Category: 2013 October

Walking With Grace Wednesdays: The Visitor

Remember last week when I said I was only soothed by a shared meal with other pilgrims? Well this is David and Debbie, they shared their meal with me many times on the Camino, and now they’re here at my house….

Photo Of The Day: Adoring Him

“God speaks silently, God speaks in your heart; if your heart is noisy, chattering, you will not hear.” ~ Caryll Houselander Kolkata, India – Missionaries of charity kneel in adoration before the blessed sacrament. This is the only picture I…

Photo Of the Day: In the Light of His Love

Christ The Light Cathedral, Oakland, California A man stands at the entrance to the Cathedral’s underground crypt. A pause in the day’s festivities, an ordination to the priesthood, about to begin.