My Unknowing Pilgrimage to the Magi

Today is the Feast of the Epiphany. Though not much is known about the Magi, I like to think of them as Christianity’s first pilgrims. A pilgrim is “a traveler (literally one who has come from afar) who is on a journey to a holy place. Typically, this is a physical journey (often on foot) to some place of special significance…” The Magi journeyed from afar, trusting in a prophecy that a great King would be born in Bethlehem and followed a star to find Him.

Some years ago I took a cruise down the Danube and the Rhine. The boat stopped in Cologne, Germany on a Sunday and many of us went to the Cathedral for mass. The mass took place in an alcove to the right of the main alter. An iron gate separated us from the rest of the church. The mass, of course, was in German. After mass, the priest made an announcement and opened the gates between us and the main altar. On the floor were small hand written signs in English that read Pilgrimage with an arrow directing us through the gates.  We followed the signs that lead us on a brief journey behind the altar and eventually we had to bend down to walk beneath a grand golden reliquary. I had unknowingly pilgrimaged to the resting place of the Magi: The Cathedral – its reliquary and this golden box – a crypt for “The Three Kings.”


It was so unexpected. I was in awe. I thought to take a photo, but just couldn’t bring myself to lift my camera to my eye. I feared the sense of awe might slip away if I did anything but stand in wonder at what I was witnessing. I guess that must be how the wise men felt – in awe. They had journeyed so far, following a star, not really knowing what they would find, but trusting in the signs. They knew their pilgrim journey was finished – they found their holy place.

This is my New Years wish for you. I hope you feel guided by the signs the Holy Spirit places before you and trust that it will lead you to our Savior. I hope that your journey finds you arriving in a holy place where you can be in awe of His presence.

And maybe if you have a camera you could take a picture. I really wish I had because then I could have shared it with you.

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