Mission Monday: The Angel Gabriel

If you give a photographer a camera, she’s going to take a picture.

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When she takes the picture she’ll want a story to go with it.

When she has time, she’ll probably Google her topic – The Mission San Gabriel.

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She’ll read about the Angel Gabriel announcing Mary’s destiny, which reminds her how the responsorial Psalm made her cry at mass last night. (Here I am Lord, I come to do your will.)

When she looks at her iPhone


She will see the picture of the gate she wants for the side yard, and she’ll want an angel to go in front of it.

When she is finished day dreaming about this fantastic idea she’ll probably go write it in her planner.

She’ll start writing.

She might see that she was supposed to write an article about the time she went to have lunch on a walnut farm.

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She might even end up writing a small part of that story in her planner.

When she is done she’ll remember that Cistercian Abbey with the walnut grove in back and how she wants to go there on retreat.


So she’ll ask her husband for some good dates.

She might be reminded that they haven’t prayed together in a long time.

So she’ll ask her husband to pray with her.

He’ll open the bible and read Tobit 5:1-9 where Tobias sets out on a journey, unknowingly, with an angel.

This story will remind her of her friend Tiz who told her that her final days on the Camino de Santiago reminded her of the story of Tobit and Tobias.

She might be reminded of how lucky she has been to walk with Angels  on the Camino.


Thinking about walking the Camino will remind her of El Camino Real.

Then she might recall that she wants a story to go with the pictures of the San Gabriel Mission in Los Angeles (The Angels), which is on El Camino Real.

She’ll find this whole process of very funny. She’ll hopefully remember that she always has her Guardian Angel beside her the way Mary had the Angel Gabriel.

She’ll remember the story her cousin posted on Facebook that was written in the style of “If You Give A Mouse A Cookie.”

She’ll probably be inspired to do the same.

And then she’ll want some pictures to go with it.

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And that’s how my Monday went. Hope yours was a little saner.

I have to go make a reservation for a retreat.


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